"Lamenting what was, is, will be. That is the ultimate mind destroyer." So true! It is easy to complain about 'how things are', so much harder to pull oneself to an impartial view to be able to rationally deal with things effectively. Right now I am dealing with the horribly broken US health care system, and with outrageous hospital bills that everyone just seems to accept as de facto, when in fact, it is but another example of how the Ultrawealthy rob the middle and lower classes. I have been incensed and outraged for quite some time, but finally have decided to do what I can about the problems at hand and not take it personally. Great article!

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Thank you so much again for sounding out, Kannagi!

When I was younger and angrier, everyone was us or them, everything black and white.

Later on, this became helplessness and sadness.

These days, as I grow up and time grows shorter,

it becomes do whatever I can, just as you have decided,

so that whatever end comes, abrupt or prolonged, no regrets that I did a real best.

Use the moments, even when competition grabs in front of us!

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