The other arrogance is when one feels entitled to the unattainable, and become deeply frustrated and resentful: “It's so unfair! Why me?! I want everyone else to go down with me!” Instead, do all one can, accept the reality, gain every advantage, move on.
Everything in view is the opposite of dying unfulfilled, because life is so hard. At the very least, promise whatever you have not completed, that you'd be back to finish. At least in your mind, it is done in at least one alternate reality. Then in your actions, at least complete a little of each of your self-promises to those around you. In your own time, your every dream.
True priority is not just what boss and survival and society deems so for you. True priority is the truly meaningful to you that you need to get enough of, however constrained and controlled by others. You will notice true priority especially when your physical and mental health break down, and your spiritual self is dying - however successful you appear in worldly ways. Usually too late then, since one's holistic cancer (your self-destruct) has spread.
Chances are you cannot fulfill your every major wish, at the last moment of your life. The probability is strong that you would be amidst unfinished business at your moment of death. Might as well prepare for being as dignified as possible, when you finally have to go. Yes, it calls for acceptance that despite your best efforts, you might end up still looking awkward.
I have had the bad habit of "flaking" on promises I've made. Usually, at the time of the commitment, I have full intentions to do whatever I said I would do. Unfortunately, due to my health, when the time comes I'm often unable to fulfill my promise. So now, I carefully choose my words and my commitments so that I don't disappoint people.
"Don't wait till tomorrow, what is essential for today"