bottom is ground
Trying to share with others about the gifts of neuro-diverse without much response or interest.
The mainstream world is so suspended in their own make-belief that it forgets about those that have migrated out.
I see the daily struggles alot clearer now.
Belatedly, a year and three quarters later, bravo, Andy!
The diverse may not have left, they're sidestreamed in plain sight.
The greater loss is to all those who do not wish to engage with the wider world at large.
Just beautiful <3
Thank you so much, my dear.
It's the common experiences I share with fellow sufferers that I hope these simple words can do justice to how we cope, throughout our lives 👍 .
Trying to share with others about the gifts of neuro-diverse without much response or interest.
The mainstream world is so suspended in their own make-belief that it forgets about those that have migrated out.
I see the daily struggles alot clearer now.
Belatedly, a year and three quarters later, bravo, Andy!
The diverse may not have left, they're sidestreamed in plain sight.
The greater loss is to all those who do not wish to engage with the wider world at large.
Just beautiful <3
Thank you so much, my dear.
It's the common experiences I share with fellow sufferers that I hope these simple words can do justice to how we cope, throughout our lives 👍 .