Please stop sustaining unpleasant world atmospheres with your mandatory advertising.
Did you know that every time you spend exorbitant amounts on your creative content-written copy, say for compulsory video views on social multimedia, many of us curse the unwelcome disruptions of your in-the-face hard-sells of desired lifestyles we now definitely reject?
Sure, you have your rabid sheeple just too eager to lap up your attractions, and part with their disposable money to waste on hyper-consumption, but for the rest of us, we so despise your pretentious happy tyrannies, that not only we will NOT buy what you sell,
we ALSO build up a swarming cloud of resentment to oppose your painstakingly crafted brands, and keep doing our best to bleed it dry of publicity and existence.
Just thought you'd like to know. It's your fault that your excessive advertising globally worsens our critical human climate, month after month.
I am working on starting a new Social Media platform. No ads. Free to those who cannot afford it, paid by those who can. I am currently seeking Devs (and devas lol) through my various channels. If I get it going I want you to Admin it and get paid for making sure there's no nonsense. What do you think?