How long more can your money shrink with inflation and profiteering, as you keep earning more but afford less faster? It was only a 1 per cent increase in spending tax, which is 10ยข for every $10, and yet you are paying for an increase in food and drink of, say, half a dollar for every $5 previous, or a 10-fold price hike!
Unless you believe 10 components increased in cost make up your typical hawker meal. Or that global supply and logistics never recovered from war somewhere halfway across the world, or a rehearsal international pandemic never went away like a Black Death plague.
Are you so sheeple that you accept and absorb exorbitant mark-ups from right under your heartland noses? Your ability to accept financial punishment is foolishly amazing. Perhaps you and your parents still earn too much, and can afford to bleed budgets.
A sustained period of relative poverty with no end in sight could do you good detoxification, maybe teach true-value frugality. But you in the mainstream would mostly not be so fortunate.
You will continue your trance wastage in expenditure, entrenched in your recurring cycles of unstoppable seasonal spending, until another Covid-style disruption comes around, hopefully this time with far more maiming consequences, especially for the recalcitrant.
Inflation in the US is really hurting us. Eggs cost almost $6 a dozen, up from $3. All the staples are doubled in price. I understand why; the government printed a bunch of phony money to give to us during the pandemic, and now the bill is due. I wish the government would tax corporations and the wealthy more, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I don't even watch the news anymore. It's all sad and bad. Mass shootings every day, more than one a day now. People not being able to get by, massive layoffs in tech and other industries. It's a worldwide recession. Sucks. All I can do is hope it will lessen over time and try to figure out how to get by with less. Thank God for rice!