Can you really manage your sleep cycles, when you have chronic disorders? Narcolepsy, apnoea… even human machines can only do so much for your dependencies.
Actually, once one understands cycles, flow with the optimal times for certain work, and enforce rest during the lows? No?
But dreams are worst to control, right, especially when mutating into nightmares? You slip into those states where you don't feel in your physical body, and your mind is under the control of imagined clearing-house conditions where the most ridiculous of your unwindings are accepted as so binding and inescapable. Lucid dreaming is such delusional self-control, wrong?
Truly, every time one is aware of dream state, accepting being physically realities of being asleep, and the greater reality will wake up to, becomes the mastery from which to proceed pragmatically. And if you finally don't wake, move on. Yes?