Read! Every day. And night. Every moment you get. That you have energy and focus to. Energy to finish and understand. Focus to compose a response and draft till sent.
Read every email, dammit, including spam to filter and unsubscribe. Read every social media, dammit, in order to delete crap and counter trolling.
What for? Because awareness outdates, what is precious secret now is worthless exposé next. People keep changing so that frenemies shift as frenemies. Coupons expire, deals end, previews of exciting goodies perpetually approach ominously.
Read because you are a narrow-minded human reverting to zero, one, two dimensions, instead of optimizing three, four, five. And so you devolve into us versus them, you always right, they forever wrong, when if you keep being holistic, you see the big picture better, and can improve from the past, predict the future with more effective success.
Clear your backlog. This is not a drill.
Last year I was ill depresion.that mean I didnt read book 1 all year and Im weithing when I start to read aggain. I start lesten music and I love it. But I cant start reading. Time I have I radher tolk with people if they are intresting if they are not they go without knowing.