You see those over-ripe, leftover fruits, and scraps of vegetables that did not make it to nice packaging? They're still fresh, just as edible, so the nutrition remains the same. Pay discounted and being home to cook.
But they look much more unappealing, what if meanwhile they spoil too fast in the fridge? Actually, when sold at original mark-ups, they created the hyped impression that they were far more high-class. It's the factory outlet effect, all were born from the same manufacture, but the ones left up end their days in the cheap bin. So, are you vain or are you sane?
The fish that must be cooked on the same day? It looks like it is already spoiling? And what if you walk the supermart near midnight? Do you bring home the old meats just to dump in garbage? Well, you don't have to pay good money for obvious decay. But when you fry the protein, and it tastes as seafood or chicken as ever, you wonder how middle-class became so spoilt at paying so much per weight for it, while again wasting leftovers with disdain.
Don't get ugly with food. Hunger and starvation are uglier, even when you think they will never come by again.