Minimum living wage. I treat that, in Singapore, as the inadequate financial component of the public community support we have been receiving.
Inadequate because we struggle across quarter-years to pay for essential mobile, online connections upon which our work-from-home, and autistic, self-driven learning depend upon. Until our public cash benefits are ransomed over on threat of all disconnection, and penalties to re-connect each service piecemeal, or else national assistance is cut off from us.
Inadequate because we borrowed from insurance and credit all dry, to compensate for the monthly financial shortfall for years, until now that inadequate monetary support is used monthly to repay increasing minimum sums, because banks profit from squeezing more and more social assistance from the impoverished.
So these are my poverty wages, insufficient to even eat out commonly, like ‘most everyone else in Singapore, so that our family can at least have sane semblance to do so. Poverty wages to work for very little, almost free, while work equipment, including air-condition and graphics workhorses notebooks, approach irreplaceable breakdown dooms, walls and ceilings and bathrooms and toilet moulder and stain.
Come migrate to rich Singapore and settle here. Do not be discomforted by us invisible, relatively poor, you can almost ignore our dwindling existences, through passive heart and actual indifference.
You are not invisible because I see you, half a world away