thinking of Robert Reich
Freedom dies when truth and resources are distorted.
When truth is buried, denied, evidence destroyed, perverted so that it is presented as its opposing fake news.
When resources are splurged to do the burying and destroying, wasted in denial and perversion, using money, influence, and the gullibility of common folks too long suffering in pain to think straight.
Freedom dies to be replaced by slavery to continued deception, the outpouring of repressed agonies that is never really cathartic.
To avoid such atrocity? Bleed clean if need be, face pain with honesty. Excise infection before setting in. Avoid laziness and greed before solutions that stick.
I’m not worried. Everything happens in cycles. It’s the way of Nature.
Some seeds can only germinate after a fire destroys the existing old growth. This is necessary, albeit painful for the old growth forest.
After the old forest is gone, saplings grow unobstructed. They are allowed the full rays of the Sun.
This is The Way.