And I sat upon my belly, and beheld many faces of evil, going through their phases in this landscape called infernal, these creatures named as fiends.
Most notorious the face of ambition, crap hierarchies ever destabilising by intrigue and infighting, however well conceived by devils over millennia and cunning, involuted stratagems in galore.
Just as inglorious the chaotic epilepsies of destruction, the endless abyssal depths of over-energetic wrecking demons achieving more waste with their dismantlings, yet their supplying continues endless.
But you know not of pure evil, forever misleading and deceiving, till they question the very morals of their proclaimed dastardliness, and doubt the righteousness of their corrupting one and all.
And I witnessed one more evolved fellspawn, also the soulless recycled manufacturing of disdain, whether arrogant or respectful alike, despising all to grind and blend and pulverise others to their levels, shaggy down to slimy and tarry.
And I lodged in season up there, a holy light wrapped in disgusting camouflage.