Dear sparrow,
You are nothing. Despite having the bare minimum of organs to live, you are dying out in your natural habitats, albeit abundant in those overcrowded human city spaces.
Your cry is distinct in the night like the nightingale, yet despite days sung as the kookaburra, you go unheard and unheeded, in the bipedal birdcall cacophonies of urban chatter.
You must live poor, generating endless riches which others cannot requisition and hoard, still your cost little nests robbed of delicious tiny chicks, which you no less defend to the utmost.
And so you live helpless in a world of creatures too big, and forces too unavoidable, yet your little wholesome plan carries out day and night, unseen and ignored, past flood, storm, quake, and eruption.
You hop and fly free, sparrow.
Thank you so much, Lenny!
Thanks for sharing. This piece is pregnant with metaphor!