I realised that a 3-day funeral wake in Singapore costs more, than a workhorse computer replacement as a living, learning hub from home, or an air-conditioned apartment suffering climate-worsening heat-waves most of the year.
I also noticed that funerals are for the living, since you are too dead for it to matter, unless somehow you believe into actual, that your spirit rises above all your mourners, witnessing more than 3 days of tedium, since you expired physically.
All the eulogies, statues and portraits, memorials and tomb faces, merely ostentations of a past you creates, more embellished than plain truth. Quite forgotten with depth of meaning in 3 generations, anyway.
No wonder some of us agree to cremate and our ashes return to the Earth. After all, whatever endures on land eventually becomes ocean floor, crush and melt into magma, or are incinerated upon star death.
You know, Ozymandias, despair. Only those who love you in forever memory, till they also die and are forgotten.