So I choose…
… the clown to our amusement who shall funnily handle serious matters pertaining to suffering and demise! Ha ha!
… the scaredy bully to stalwartly defend all our whimsical interests against any who agree with us or not, indifferent to any of their disadvantage and touchy about any of our perceived and predictable losses;
… the zealot purist who must keep intact the strictest of our bloodlines and geneseed, brooking negative tolerance of any form of cultural deviation and debunked hybrid vigour — foreign immigrant spouses and offshoots of our richest and most powerful locals excepted as imports;
… the miserly quartermaster who can of course perennially reward himself for the job well done of squeezing resources from every worker in the nation, which in turn must only be fed at below minimum nutrition, and benefit our mighty country's wealth with no hint if lazy dependence. This applies to children, females, elderly, handicapped, and other pathetic excuses of people.
… I am so smart! I keep winning till I'm so tired doing so!